To all gullas'

What do you think about a stage artist or a diplomatic thinker? Is he capable to rule 234 constituencies of the dependent state? We don't know about it. So, we went for an online poll seeking answer for that unsolvable question. But what we got in the poll is indifferent, which now made us to think about the mindset those tweetpies'. To be honest, we don't like the movies of the renowned actor. Movies is quite different from politics, but then why 6 per cent of people voted against him. I don't care about those 69 per cent of people, who voted him for his political entry. I didn't forget those 29 per cent of tweetpies',who accuses him as he does everything to gain fame. Why, we concentrate only on six and 29 percents' ? If you think ,six per cent of votes as lower, then you're the one in that six percent. I think you didn't understand the above statement. If you have understood it, then you have to learn that those 6 plus 29 percent will create a broader impact in deciding the victory. Yea, Kamal has rights to participate, but do you think he will get the majority in all constituencies? Will the other parties allow him ? If you are too knowledgeable, then understand the status of Tamilnadu vote bank. If Kamal is gonna stand anywhere in the world like US, he might win like the current US President, Donald Trump. We know a fan of him, who replied the same question with an indefinite answer. Are you curious to know, what it is and who it is? He told, ' I need Kamal to enter into politics, because of his acting in movies.'' Do you think it is correct ? Do we need a good actor or a good leader to govern 234 constituencies? Now, you might got an key string to start a debate with a comparison between Kamal and MGR. Stay clear that Kamal is Kamal and MGR is MGR. None has the ability to replace the other, especially a legend. And we don't need a communist or atheist to lead the state. We need a good leader, who can balance every religion evenly and wholeheartedly. And I'm not a gulla to fire off everyone in a diplomatic sense.I am not meaning you 'legend'. We are Tuners, we pen what people think and we do which is good. Since, we are just beginners in political combustion. We stop here, will continue it in our upcoming post, which might be a video.Â